Tomatillos Recipes & Info
Discover | “Little tomatoes” or tomatillos are a staple in Mexican cuisine. Really only a distant relative of tomatoes, tomatillos are more closely related to the ground cherry. It is an easy-to-grow, prolific plant and likely to produce more than you can possibly eat.
Taste | Tomatillos have a tangy, citrus-like flavor. Harvested when green and quite firm, they look like small green tomatoes that are covered with a papery husk. The most popular use of tomatillos is in salsa, although, raw or cooked, they can be prepared in a variety of creative ways—soups, salads, omelets, preserves or vinaigrettes.
Fortify | Tomatillos are a good source of fiber, vitamin C and potassium. Eating potassium-rich foods daily helps keep blood pressure levels healthy. Tomatillos are also low in calories—one medium tomatillo only has 11 calories. A natural source of antioxidants, tomatillos can keep your body working at its best.
Preserve | Purchase shiny, firm tomatillos that fit snugly into their dry husks. Remove the outer husk and wash off the naturally sticky residue before use. Tomatillos are completely edible—no need to skin or seed. Store fresh tomatillos in a paper bag in the refrigerator for up to one month or can them using the same method you use for tomatoes. Freeze whole or sliced tomatillos on a parchment-lined baking sheet and, once frozen, store in a freezer-safe bag or container.