Peach Recipes & Info
Discover | Michigan is famous for its fruit farms, and peaches are no exception. Thanks to Stanley Johnston at Michigan State University, the Red Haven peach has become the most popular variety of peach in the world. As one of the first commercially successful fruits, peaches thrive in Michigan’s climate. Find a high, sunny spot and plant a clean, dry peach pit—you may just have a beautiful peach tree right in your own yard.
Taste | Brightly colored and juicy with a warm, fragrant aroma, describes the perfect peach. This slightly oval stone fruit, known for its blushed, fuzzy skin, has specific varieties suited just for Michigan. Available from July to mid-September—the quintessential summer fruit—peaches pop up throughout Michigan. Enjoy peaches from U-pick farms, farmers’ markets and grocery stores. Peaches have unlimited uses in recipes. From jams, preserves and pies to salsa, smoothies and ice cream, peaches are quite adaptable.
Fortify | Eat the orange-tinged peach as part of a variety of different colored produce for your daily diet. Orange fruits and vegetables provide specific phytochemicals (beta carotene, potassium and vitamin C) that contribute to a strong defense against body damage while aiding in prevention and repair. All that protection is packed in only 60 calories, along with zero sodium or fat. Packed in its own wrapper and ready to be eaten, peaches are a healthy summertime snack.
Preserve | Peaches bruise easily and should be stored and handled with care. Eat ripened peaches immediately or store in the refrigerator in a plastic bag in a single layer for up to three days. Avoid picked peaches with a green color surrounding the stem. Those peaches have been picked too early and will not be sweet even after they soften. Remove the skin by placing whole peaches in boiling water for one minute. Then place in a bowl of ice water, where the skins will slide right off. Remove the pit by slicing the peach lengthwise, down to the stone. Twist both halves simultaneously in opposite directions to expose pit and remove. Now the peach is ready to slice for canning or freezing.