Issue #41 Winter 2018
WOW! We are thrilled to be celebrating 10 years of publishing a magazine that tells the stories of our local food scene from the ground up. As we celebrate, first and foremost, we think about the hundreds of people we want to thank for making this publication a star in Southeast Michigan.
We are fortunate to have met most of these people when we share their stories, and we continue to follow their stories as so many have become our friends. We are grateful and humbled by their hard work, dedication and true passion for keeping it local, fresh and honest.
Along with the farmers, brewers, bakers and chefs, there are those we want to thank personally. Our writers and photographers bring these stories to light with their talents and passion. They are among the very best.
Important to the magazine and close to our hearts are the three core staffers that through their tireless work, amazing talents, patience and true professionalism (and sense of humor) keep EdibleWOW a publication we are all proud of. They are Executive Editor Chris Hardman, Food Editor Pam Aughe and Designer Susanne Dudzik. Without these three amazing women, none of this would be possible. Thank you ladies for your dedication to WOWing folks issue after issue.
Last and certainly not at all least, our supporters. We are fortunate and grateful to our true supporters, our subscribers and our strong advertising base. Without the financial support of our advertising partners, including stores, farmers markets, restaurants and local artisans, we would not be able to share the stories of our region. We ask that you, our readers, support them as often as possible, and tell them EdibleWOW sent you. Thanks to you all for sharing your stories, your talents and your passion for all things local. From the bottom of our hearts, we believe you are truly marvelous!
—Kate & Robb Harper, Publishers EdibleWOW Magazine